End of an Era

On Saturday, September 18, Joe Banks finally left the bachelorhood and got himself married.

Joe is a college friend and former roommate. We lived together from about 1988 to 1992 in apartments around Cleveland Heights, and also shared the common interest of volunteering at WRUW, the radio station at CWRU.

A couple of years ago, Joe severed his ties with WRUW and gave up his radio show, thereby freeing up his time for other activities. Shortly thereafter, he met Sheryl Cobbledick, and the rest is history.

Sue and I met Sheryl for the first time (and finally saw Joe for the first time in about a year) back in August when some friends of hers threw a pre-wedding party for the happy couple. She seems to match Joe’s personality so well. Sue and I are very happy that Joe has finally found his true love. Joe’s wedding was great fun.

Some of the highlights included:

  • Sheryl crying through her wedding vows
  • Sue and I being called “carnivores” by the six vegetarians who were sitting with us
  • The first dance (to “At Last”), with Joe and Sheryl both crying in relief and joy, while Joe’s sister-in-law inched onto the dance floor with a box of tissues
  • Indulging in fabulous cheesecake for dessert. (Joe’s youngest brother works for the Cheesecake Factory. His wedding gift to Joe and Sheryl was to provide the wedding cheesecakes!)

Overall, we were extremely happy to watch this festive event unfold. We are both happy for Joe Banks, our longtime friend. Learn more at Joe and Sheryl’s website.


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