Category: WRUW

  • Almost made $2000!

    Yesterday, April 18, was the “Telethon Edition” of my weekly radio show. This is the once-a-year radio fundraiser that the radio station holds to solicit support from listeners. My goal was to raise $2000 in pledges over his 2 hour show. It was an exciting (and vocally tiring two hours), and ALMOST made it to…

  • How to Beg

    One of my most recent projects was preparing a website for WRUW’s fundraiser, which begins today, April 12, 2004. Each year, I have provided training to the staff on how to correctly craft and say cohesive and compelling appeals for money over the air. Over the years, it has become known around the station as…

  • WRUW goes Digital!

    Yesterday (March 20), the WRUW Tech Crew installed a digital studio-to-transmitter link.  This unit uses high-frequency transmission to send the radio station’s studio output over to the transmitter located about 2 miles away.  This new “digital” unit replaces an older “analog” unit that had been in operation for about 15 years.  The resulting switchover gives…