Category: The Furry Bambinos
2008 Missouri Trip: Day Seven: From Terre Haute to Home!
This is the seventh and final post in a series of our trip to Columbia Missouri. To read what Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat were up to in our absence, check out the Furry Bambinos blog. We hit the road on Sunday August 3 at noon EDT, 1206.1 miles on the trip counter, in search of…
The Ad-dressing of the Cats
Oh, the fun we’ve had trying to name these three adorable kitties! We’ve played rounds and rounds of “how does this sound?” and “How about ….?” to come up with suitable monikers for our new housemates. For your enjoyment, we give you some insight into the process. First, we thought of the situation: two boys…
The Furry Bambinos!
Today, David and I adopted three felines!!! We met them through PAWS (Public Animal Welfare Society), a local animal rescue organization. PAWS consists of a network of volunteers who serve as “foster parents” for a time while permanent homes are being sought for the animals. PAWS places animals in two-room “cages” in local PetSmart stores for a few…