Recently, we noticed that Clyde has been limping around on his left front paw. Of course, doting parents that we are, we were concerned!Â
So, despite his whining and complaining, we took him to the local veterinarian. This was our first visit with Clyde to this vet, and we were assigned Dr. Kelly Rehmer. She was very friendly and helpful to Clyde.Â
She shaved his foot and indicated he has a giant swelling of the second digit. This is equivalent to a human’s middle finger. Here’s Clyde’s photo, with his personal commentary attached:
As you can see, the toe is rather inflamed! So, Dr. Kelly gave us a strict regimen of medication in the morning and evening, plus a daily soaking of the paw in a solution of warm water and Epsom salts. Here’s David holding Clyde for the soaking:
Surprisingly, he was very calm for the soaking procedure. He’s not a fan of the drugs, but we’re getting them down his throat.Â
We’re not sure what this problem is, but Dr. Kelly said to maintain this regimen for now. Soon we’ll get a biopsy done and go from there!
Poor little Clyde!
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